Whats better than to work on a homie video with some of your closest friends doing what they love to do? Victor Nhean filmed for a few years for his latest video project when he suddenly put a pause to it so he can learn the basics of music production. Moving forward, Nhean finished filming for the video and began to edit as well as score the entire project. Bringing to life his latest full length skate video One Point Five featuring Chris Joslin, Josh Gomez, Mikey, Haywood, Michael McMaster, Alex Salvador, Dre Malone and Chris Lopez.
Filmed, Edited, & Scored by: Victor Nhean
"I personally love this video because it is like a time capsule for me. These were some of the best times of my life. I love all these dudes like brothers. We all became a family together; going out every weekend/every other weekday. You experience so much when you go out skating, so many obstacles that come into play that have absolutely nothing to do with skateboarding (ex. Cops, security guards, home owners, business owners, Good Samaritans....etc) I’m glad I was able to do all of this with my Fam. I couldn’t have done it with out any of you." - Victor Nhean