In this short film by James Cruickshank, we hear the story of Converse Cons rider Jamie Platt's tumultuous recovery from a two-year injury. After waking up from an initial surgery on his leg, the doctor told him he would have a hard time walking, let along riding a skateboard. Platt's determination to get back on a board was frustrating, but inevitably successful.
Narrated by Jamie, Downtime also demonstrates what it's like skateboarding in London in the thick of winter and the many challenges that entails: rain, icy winds and damp surfaces to name a few. Converse Cons riders Ben Raemers, Felipe Bartolome, Matlok Bennett-Jones, Bobby De Keyzer, David Stenstrom, Harry Lintell, Carlos Cardenosa, Mike Arnold and Remy Taveira all appear in this well-told story of recovery.