Masaki Ui's “Postcard 4“

masaki-ui You certainly know who Masaki Ui is from his always punchy riding in Magenta Skateboard films, and maybe also for his very own videos, which also are always on point. He already has quite the reputation of being a force to be reckoned with in the French skate community, making a name for himself with his talent and his series of mini skate videos that he directs.

Ui dropped the fourth episode of the lofi and raw “Postcard“ series.He's a serious talent, no doubt. This fourth episode of his Postcard series is only further proves that point, as the skaters bounce from Bordeaux to Marseilles, with appearances Masaki Ui, Léo Valls, Glen Fox, Vivien Feil, Aymeric Nocus, Antoine Roussel, Joffrey Morel, Laurence Keefe, Yensi Lama, and more!

It's all here: the homies, the spots, the streets, and is undoubtedly a love letter to Marseilles, France, with a healthy amount of local color.