After deciding the entire video would be shot on film it took nearly 6 broken bones, 27 citations and 160 days of shooting, 13 months later 'The End' is complete. If you don't know much about film, you should know its a lot more expensive than digital. 'The End' director Jamie Mosberg explains at the time how one hour of video was about $10 and one hour of film was roughly $2,000. Now, the film is 1.5 hours long plus all the footage that was wasted and/or was never used, that seems to be a lot of cash. From Food fights, decapitations, skaters on fire, a van driving down El Toro and Clint Eastwoods monkey, this video had to be banned in Switzerland for being offensive to mankind. Not only was the production beyond a standard skateboard video but the tricks were insane, we can definitely say this video was and still is one of the best skate videos ever made.
Jeremy Klein - Back 5